jobhuntat Treemetrics (Anywhere) (Published at 14-11-2012)

Established in 2005, TreeMetrics operates from the National Software Centre facility in Cork, Ireland. It is a highly acclaimed Irish based software company providing pioneering solutions for the global forest industry.

Treemetrics are looking for an experienced GIS Developer to join their team.
You will have, relevant academics, extensive experience in using cartography servers and GIS databases. Developing web GIS applications and database management. Along with Technical Writing skills.

This is an interesting project, and a very strong team to work with. If you have the relevant experience please apply below

Experience Required:
- 1 Year +
- Cartographic server, ideally all of Geoserver.
- GUI for WebGIS, ideally experience in Openlayers and GeoEXT.
- SQL based data management, ideally PostGIS.
- Ruby on Rails.





Δημοφιλή Αρχεία

Έκθεση Φωτοερμηνείας 665
coord_gr 348
Πράξη Χαρακτηρισμού συνοδευόμενη από την Έκθεση Αυτοψίας και Εισήγηση 325
Πίνακες παραγωγής Κοσσενάκη 264
Οδηγός ενσωμάτωσης WMS (ΑΦ Κτηματολογίου) στα Google Earth και QGIS 247

Τελευταία Μέλη

  • QTbcLgvBhpyoa
  • HLqTPmbeCNjfRT
  • digolis
  • jBzWzRNjHhSUBt
  • Alissabok