14 positions of Early Stage Researchers within a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN)


Careers in Sustainability Excellence (CASTLE) consortium – (Marie Curie Initial Training Network) – invites applications for 14 full-time research vacancies for early stage researchers (ESR). Selected researchers are expected to undertake transnational mobility in order to implement an Individual Research Project (IRP) at one of the consortium partner institutions, as well as to participate in a joint network training programme.

1. Description of CASTLE training network

By 2020 the increasing demand for biomass as a feedstock for fuel, fibre and food will have measurable economic, environmental and social effects. The forest-based sector is responding to the competition for biomass with innovative products, such as renewable chemicals produced in biorefineries. The agricultural sector is also reinforcing innovations based on fast-growing biomass crops. Such innovations may bear completely new bio-based production systems, the long-term impact of which on the environment, economic viability and social cohesion is difficult to foresee. Policy makers, businesses and civil society organisations demand that the sustainability of new production systems is safeguarded. Hence, sustainability assessment methods that quantify environmental, economic and social impacts are needed for the bio-based economy.

However, so far academic training insufficiently reflects the relevance of sustainability impact assessment in business and policy making. "Careers in Sustainability Excellence" (CASTLE) closes this gap as it combines scientific, innovative, problem-oriented research and practical training of young academics on methods used for sustainability impact assessments in the bio-energy and forest-based sector in Europe. CASTLE educates sustainability experts for the broader bio-based economy.

The scientific programme of CASTLE refines and improves state-of-the art sustainability assessment methods and applies them to current sustainability challenges in industry and policy making. With its training programme, CASTLE imparts a wide range of methods and skills. It covers assessment of direct environmental, economic and social sustainability impacts like GHG-emissions, carbon footprint, structures beneficial for biological diversity, water consumption and pollution, land use, value added, rural development, small business opportunities, job opportunities and recreation. But as the increasing demand for biomass may also induce indirect effects, CASTLE provides training on global market effects and land use changes. Finally, as communication of sustainability issues and interaction with public and civil society organisations becomes increasingly important, training of communication skills essential for e.g. transparent reporting on social corporate responsibility of companies is an important part of CASTLE's training programme, too.

The CASTLE consortium consists of nine full partners and 10 associated partners from six countries. The ESRs will be hired at the full partners under employment contracts. The duration of the employment is 30-36 months. The compensation will be highly competitive, and the salaries will vary based on the country where the ESRs will be recruited (country correction factors are given by the European Commission).

2. Eligibility criteria

- Nationality: Nationals from any country may apply.

- Mobility: at the time of the recruitment, the researcher must not have resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.), in the country of the chosen host institution for more than 12 months in the three years immediately prior to the date of the recruitment (01.01.2010 - 31.12.2012).

Early Stage Researcher (ESR): researchers who, at the time of the recruitment, have not yet been awarded a doctorate degree and are in the first four years (full-time equivalent) of their research careers, including the research training period that would entitle them to a doctorate. (Non-research work after acquiring a Master's degree is not counted in the four years of the research career; certificates on the nature of tasks in non-research employment will be requested for shortlisted candidates.). Each ESR position includes a planned PhD affiliation with a university, which can be negotiated, including cases of an existing enrolment to a PhD programme.

3. General evaluation criteria
Educational background relevant for the chosen position/IRP. A Master's degree is desirable.

Previous research experience, relevant to the chosen position/IRP.

Language skills (English compulsory).

Networking and communication skills (to be evaluated in the interview).

4. How to apply

Applications must be completed entirely online and will include:

Application form, including a brief research statement on how you will contribute to the chosen IRP. You should apply for at least one IRP and explain your choice, but also state two more alternative IRPs (by order of preference).

Curriculum Vitae (please use this form), including two references.

If it is not possible for you to apply online please send your application to: Human Resources Office, EFI, email: Αυτή η διεύθυνση Email προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε..

Any questions on the CASTLE project or the individual research projects can be directed to Αυτή η διεύθυνση Email προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε..

IMPORTANT: No copies of diplomas or other supporting documents are necessary at this stage. However, please note that shortlisted candidates will be required to provide certified copies of their degrees before the interview.

5. Recruitment calendar

Deadline for applications: December 31st, 2012

Notification to candidates shortlisted for interview: January 14th, 2013

Interviewswith shortlisted candidates: January 21st-25th, 2013

Notification of selected candidates February 1st, 2013

Contract begins: April 1st , 2013

6. Individual Research Projects (IRP)

Details of Individual Research Projects (IRP) can be found at: http://www.efi.int/portal/careers/castle/

ESR1 - Ex-ante SIA system for biomass production from arable land, ZALF, Germany

ESR2 - Dynamic indicator calculation in ToSIA using a framework for model linkage, EFI, Finland

ESR3 - Multi-criteria evaluation of sustainability impact assessment (SIA) results, BOKU, Austria

ESR4 - Assessing impacts of technological change on sustainable development, Skogforsk, Sweden

ESR5 - Using material flow indicators for SIA of bio-energy systems, UNI-KLU, Austria

ESR6 - Implementation of LCA in complex wood industry production, vTI, Germany

ESR7 - Quantitative and qualitative impact assessment of sustainability with the aid of LCA and changed structures deemed to be crucial for biodiversity, Skogforsk, Sweden

ESR8 - Harvested wood products carbon assessment using ToSIA, EFI, Finland

ESR9 - Mitigation options through innovative wood product use, ZALF, Germany

ESR10 - Sustainability impact assessment as management tool on enterprise level, vTI, Germany

ESR11- Implementing feedstock management and carbon tracking modules in enterprise resource planning services, MHG Systems, Finland

ESR12 - Footprint Indicators in Sustainability Communication, VTT, Finland

ESR13 - Eco-efficient Transport, FCBA, France

ESR14 - GHG emissions accounting and reduction in the forest products sector, FCBA, France




Δημοφιλή Αρχεία

Έκθεση Φωτοερμηνείας 665
coord_gr 347
Πράξη Χαρακτηρισμού συνοδευόμενη από την Έκθεση Αυτοψίας και Εισήγηση 325
Πίνακες παραγωγής Κοσσενάκη 264
Οδηγός ενσωμάτωσης WMS (ΑΦ Κτηματολογίου) στα Google Earth και QGIS 247

Τελευταία Μέλη

  • DonaldMoore
  • Jasebok
  • christsal
  • gHaNglehVszU
  • SsTPlMiIwzkIBk