The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Organismal Biology is a close cooperation between the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology and the Department of Biology at the University of Konstanz. Its aim is to provide first-class training and education for outstanding doctoral students from all over the world in a stimulating research environment. This competitive doctoral program provides its fellows with an excellent starting platform for a successful career in the fields of animalbehaviour, ecology, evolution, physiology, and neurobiology. Countries of origin of our 64 IMPRS students.
Our faculty is comprised of more than 30 leading researchers; our 64 PhD fellows come from 27 countries. Besides their own research, the IMPRS fellows attend laboratory courses and workshops in relevant transferable skills like scientific writing and project management. Talks by invited speakers during our annual IMPRS symposium, student retreats, and conference participations complete the individually tailored curriculum. Program details can be found here.
In general, the PhD should be completed within three years. The official teaching language is English. German language classes are offered to students from abroad.
Effects of climate warming on invasion potential of ornamental alien plant species
Main advisor Mark van Kleunen, University of Konstanz
Application deadline December 15![more]

Immune Gene Variation in Resident vs. Migratory Ducks
Keywords population genetics, phylogeography, disease ecology, avian influenza, migration ecology
Main advisor Martin Wikelski, Inge Müller, Wolfgang Fiedler & Robert Kraus, MPIO Radolfzell
Evolutionary endocrinology of birds
Keywords evolution, physiology, hormone, stress, behavior, fitness
Main Advisor Michaela Hau, MIPO Seewiesen
Can female promiscuity evolve via indirect selection on male sex-drive?
Key words quantitative genetics, sexual behaviour, social monogamy, pair bonding, zebra finches
Main Advisor Wolfgang Forstmeier, MPIO Seewiesen
Genomic adaptations under recent habitat changes
Keywords behavioural genomics, bioinformatics, selection signatures, invasion, urbanization, genotype-phenotype associations, birds
Main advisor Jakob Mueller, MPIO Seewiesen
Development of neurons relevant for feedback-dependent plasticity during bird song learning
Keywords songbird, song control nuclei, song learning, transcriptome, sex hormones, auditory feedback
Main advisor Manfred Gahr, MPIO Seewiesen
Behavioural variability as anti-predator adaptation
Keywords predator-prey-interaction, protean behaviour, escape flight, moths, bats, bioacoustics
Main advisor Holger Goerlitz, MPIO Seewiesen

Social evolution
Keywords Behavioural ecology, molecular ecology, evolutionary biology
Main advisor Julia Schroeder, MPIO Seewiesen
Ecological and genomic control of migration
Keyword Alternative phenotypes, climate change, GPS logger, eco-evolutionary dynamics, gene expression, molecular genetics.
Main advisers Jesko Partecke, MPIO Radolfzell and Axel Meyer, University Konstanz
Colonizations and demographic history of cichlid fishes in crater lakes in Nicaragua
Keywords sympatric speciation, evolution, population genomics, ecological specialization
Main advisor Axel Meyer, University of Konstanz

Genomic basis of alternative life-history evolution in swordtail fishes
Keywords Mating behavior, population genomics, QTL mapping, Central America
Main advisor Axel Meyer, University of Konstanz
Genomic basis of mate choice in the polychromatic Midas cichlid fish
Keywords Nicaragua, QTL mapping, assortative mating, behavioral genomics, bioinformatic techniques
Main advisor Axel Meyer, University of Konstanz