Παρακάτω ακολουθούν θέσεις που προσφέρονται σε πανεπιστήμια και ερευνητικά κέντρα του εξωτερικού.
1) The Public Research Centre - Gabriel Lippmann, a public establishment for applied scientific research and technology transfer, has an opening for a fixed-term position for its “Environment and Agro-biotechnologies” department (EVA) for: a PhD thesis in remote sensing of evapotranspiration and soil moisture (m/f) http://www.lippmann.lu/index.php?id=89&no_cache=1&tx_abminijoboffers_pi1%5BshowUid%5D=371
2) Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Civil Engineering a PhD stipend is available within the general study programme Civil Engineering. The stipend is open for appointment from February 1, 2014 or soon hereafter: PhD Stipend in Soil-Structure Interaction for Long-Term Cyclically Loaded Monopiles (6-13011G) http://www.vacancies.aau.dk/show-vacancy/?vacancy=630135
3) Fully funded PhD scholarship on biodiversity response to climate change jointly at Centre for Ice and Climate (Niels Bohr Institute), and Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate (Natural History Museum of Denmark), University of Copenhagen, Denmark. http://www.offentlige-stillinger.dk/sites/cfml/kbhuni/kbhuniVis.cfm?plugin=1&englishJobs=Yes&nJobNo=215990&nLangNo=2
4) The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL is a part of the ETH domain. Approximately 500 people work on the sustainable use and protection of the environment and on the handling of natural hazards. The Research Unit Biodiversity and Conservation Biology studies the diversity of life in its various forms, from genetic diversity to the diversity of species and ecosystems as well as their interactions. Within the interdisciplinary SNF project GeneScale on landscape genomics in the alpine plant Arabis alpina, we are looking for a PhD student in Ecological Genetics http://internet1.refline.ch/273855/0341/++publications++/1/index.html
5) Department of Ecology in Uppsala offers a PhD Research Project on Ecology, Forest Entomology http://www.slu.se/en/education/postgraduate-studies/new-phd-student/read-more/?Uid=901
6) Επιπλέον το University of Leeds μέσω του NERC Doctoral Training Partnership (http://www.nercdtp.leeds.ac.uk/), προσφέρει διάφορες υποτροφίες σχετικές με την οικολογία, που θα πρέπει να κατατεθούν μέχρι και την 24 Ιανουαρίου 2014. Τα προγράμματα που θα χρηματοδοτηθούν είναι τα εξής:
• Immunity and the social environment (Dr Amanda Bretman, Dr Steven Sait, Dr Sophie Evison) http://www.nercdtp.leeds.ac.uk/projects/index.php?id=32
• Predicting ecological impact of invasive species using comparative functional responses (Dr Alison M. Dunn, Dr Lee Brown, Dr Helen Roy) http://www.nercdtp.leeds.ac.uk/projects/index.php?id=33
• Incorporating macro-population genetics into studies of broad scale patterns in ecology and biodiversity (Dr Simon Goodman, Prof Bill Kunin) http://www.nercdtp.leeds.ac.uk/projects/index.php?id=35
• Fine-scale foraging behaviour of far-ranging marine predators: integrating 3-dimensional movement and activity data (Prof Keith Hamer, Dr Simon Goodman) http://www.nercdtp.leeds.ac.uk/projects/index.php?id=44
• DragonFlight: Linking the mechanics and energetics of flight to conservation status and responses to climate change in dragonflies (Dr Christopher Hassall, Dr Graham Askew) http://www.nercdtp.leeds.ac.uk/projects/index.php?id=30
• Up-scaling biodiversity: the mathematics and statistics of spatial ecology (Prof Bill Kunin, Dr Sandro Azaele) http://www.nercdtp.leeds.ac.uk/projects/index.php?id=34
• Teaching old beetles new tricks: applying novel genetic techniques to re-establish a classic ecological model system, Tribolium (Dr Andrew Peel, Dr Christopher Hassall) http://www.nercdtp.leeds.ac.uk/projects/index.php?id=43
• Host-parasite population dynamics and environmental change (Dr Steven Sait, Dr Sophie Evison) http://www.nercdtp.leeds.ac.uk/projects/index.php?id=36
• Trophic cascades in an island ecosystem: community and ecosystem consequences of an invasive mammalian herbivore (Dr Mahesh Sankaran, Dr Steven Sait http://www.nercdtp.leeds.ac.uk/projects/index.php?id=46
Περισσότερες θεματικές οικολογικού ενδιαφέροντος μπορούν να βρεθούν στη σελίδα "Biosphere" του DTP website:http://www.nercdtp.leeds.ac.uk/browse-projects/