Μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές σε Ελλάδα και εξωτερικό

M.S. Assistantship in Forest Entomology -- University of Georgia, GA

02/07/2013 18:35 #2060 από ptsolak
The Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of Georgia, Athens invites applications from highly motivated and enthusiastic students for a M.S. Assistantship starting in Fall 2013/Spring 2014. This collaborative work will focus on a newly documented scale insect species (Matsucoccus macrocicatrices) from south-eastern U.S., its interaction with associated fungal species, and its contribution to canker formation and dieback/mortality of eastern white pine. Our major objectives are to: determine the range and severity of dieback, and fate of symptomatic white pine trees in the southern Appalachians; assess if white pine health varies as based on site conditions; and determine correlations between the scale insect, fungal pathogens, cankers, and health of eastern white pine. This work will be conducted in close collaboration with the USDA Forest Service, Virginia Department of Forestry, and other cooperators.

The Forest Entomology laboratory (website) at University of Georgia is a dynamic group that works on a broad range of forest health issues, insect species, and ecosystem types. We invite applications from highly self-motivated and enthusiastic students that are genuinely interested in working at the forefront of forest health issues. Training in forest entomology will be provided. Prior experience in forestry, entomology, and ecology will be an asset. A competitive M.S. assistantship for two years along with full tuition waiver will be provided. Interested students should submit a letter of interest, current CV along with contact information for 2-3 referees, and unofficial transcripts to Dr. Kamal JK Gandhi.
ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ Spoiler!

The Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources (website) is the oldest forestry school in the south, has >75 faculty working in diverse fields, and provides exemplary training of students in the fields of forestry, ecology, and conservation biology. The School is housed in a four-building complex on campus, and has >23,000 acres in the state for research, teaching, and service activities.

Panagiotis Tsolakidis
Forestry Consultant

Θα εκτιμούσα, όσοι ωφελούνται από τις θέσεις σπουδών εξωτερικού, να κάνουν ένα κλικ στο "ΣΕ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ"!

Παρακαλούμε Σύνδεση ή Δημιουργία λογαριασμού για να συμμετάσχετε στη συζήτηση.

Χρόνος δημιουργίας σελίδας: 0.163 δευτερόλεπτα



Δημοφιλή Αρχεία

Έκθεση Φωτοερμηνείας 665
coord_gr 348
Πράξη Χαρακτηρισμού συνοδευόμενη από την Έκθεση Αυτοψίας και Εισήγηση 325
Πίνακες παραγωγής Κοσσενάκη 264
Οδηγός ενσωμάτωσης WMS (ΑΦ Κτηματολογίου) στα Google Earth και QGIS 247

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