Μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές σε Ελλάδα και εξωτερικό

Graduate position: LMU Munich, Hybridization -- CLOSED

14/10/2011 04:43 - 14/10/2011 15:35 #69 από ptsolak
Graduate position: LMU Munich, Hybridization -- CLOSED δημιουργήθηκε από ptsolak
The Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) in Munich is among the top one hundred universities in the world, and part of the German Excellence Initiative. The Department of Biology (Evolutionary Ecology) seeks

A PhD students in Evolutionary Ecology

Project title: The role of hybridization in the colonization of newly opened habitats

The PhD students will participate in a collaborative research project of Justyna Wolinska to investigate hybridization between species as a creative evolutionary force that allows rapid adaptation to new environments. This project is a part of a large research initiative funded by the German Science Foundation: "Natural Selection in Structured Populations". The overarching goal of this Research Unit is the study of natural selection in realistic population settings. Because of its role as a driving force of adaptation, understanding natural selection is undoubtedly one of the most important objectives of evolutionary biology.

Specifically, the student will study how hybrid-specific traits may facilitate the colonization of novel habitats (small quarry lakes), using the *Daphnia* hybrid complex as a model system. *Daphnia* communities will be screened at the microsatellite loci and three contrasting scenarios of hybrid maintenance will be tested: survival of hybrids as clonal lineages, recurrent hybridization events or establishment of hybrids through migrants. In addition, using laboratory experiments it will be tested if hybrids have more diverse phenotypes compared to parental taxa (due to increased genetic variation in hybrid individuals). Finally, the field and laboratory data will be used for parameterization of a mathematical model, which will be developed to study the contribution of different ecological parameters to the success of hybrids. The proposed combination of empirical and theoretical approaches will advance our understanding of the role of hybridization in the colonization of new habitats and, more generally, of genetic exchange in adaptive evolution.

The main methods are: microsatellites, experiments, some mathematical modelling (in collaboration with Joachim Hermisson, University of Vienna) and a little bit of field work.

We are looking for highly motivated candidates with interests in the evolutionary ecology and population genetics. The position will be for a period of three years, and should start as soon as possible (December 2011 or soon thereafter). The students will take part in the organized PhD program (including attending various skills courses) of the university. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in evolutionary biology and/or population genetics. Good molecular skills, excellent communication and writing skills in English, good work ethics, and creative thinking are desired. Skills in mathematical modelling will be advantageous. A Diploma or Masters degree (or equivalent) in biology is necessary for admission. The working language in the group is English.

Applications should include 1) a letter of interest with a description of pertinent experience, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) abstract of the master/diploma thesis, 4) a list of publications (if any), 5) the names (with e-mail addresses) of three potential referees. Applications should be submitted as a SINGLE (!) PDF document to the following e-mail address:


Please submit your application by 13 October 2011.

For further information, consult Justyna Wolinska: wolinska@bio.lmu.de



Panagiotis Tsolakidis
Forestry Consultant

Θα εκτιμούσα, όσοι ωφελούνται από τις θέσεις σπουδών εξωτερικού, να κάνουν ένα κλικ στο "ΣΕ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ"!
Last edit: 14/10/2011 15:35 by ptsolak. Αιτία: Έληξε η προθεσμία κατάθεσης αιτήσεων

Παρακαλούμε Σύνδεση ή Δημιουργία λογαριασμού για να συμμετάσχετε στη συζήτηση.

Χρόνος δημιουργίας σελίδας: 0.229 δευτερόλεπτα



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